Alicia Zertuche
Wonderlandia, Founder
Alicia Zertuche music industry veteran based in Austin, founder of Wonderlandia talent agency, Director, Artist Relations Miche Fest Chicago (2024), Suena Medellin Talent Buyer *headliners (2024), VP of Booking for Ruido Fest, associate producer for HBO Max’s Habla (2022) series and talent booker for Zero Point Zero + Paramount Pictures + Viacom’s documentary series “De La Calle” (2023). As a talent agent she represents LatinX client roster who have won Grammys and numerous recognitions for being outstanding in their field and change makers Maldita Vecindad, Goyo, Grupo Cañaveral, Doris Anahi, Immasoul, ChocQuibTown among others. In recent years, she’s focused on pushing culture forward, bridging communities and advocating for LatinX artists by exposing them on international stages, national campaigns, major films television programs and tours.
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