[CLOSED] BIME Bilbao 2023 call for bands and soloists from Chile is now open!
BIME and Chilemúsica open call for the participation of three bands or soloists at the next BIME Bilbao 2023
BIME showcases are the perfect showcase for emerging bands. A space where to show the most select of the emerging scene to festival programmers, managers, journalists and other agents of the music sector. In addition, the three selected projects will also have the opportunity to participate in the three days of the BIME congress. Where they will be able to train, learn, interact with people from all areas of the music industry and discover the latest trends in the sector.
BIME 2023 will be held from October 25 to 28 in Bilbao. More information and registration form at https://www.fondosdecultura.cl/convocatoria-linea-de-asistencia-a-mercados-foco-bime-circulart-corriente-y-fimpro-2023/
Delegations will be made up of up to three bands, artists and/or soloists in each market, with a maximum of 6 people per group, and a manager must be included in the team.
Don’t wait any longer to be part of the BIME experience and sign up!