29-10-2024 17:05 : 18:10Can success be predicted? The importance of artistic development in the publishing world.
In this workshop organized by Republic Network, we will answer the question of whether the success of an artist can be predicted, by investigating the work carried out by the ARs of a music company and their synergy with the publishing universe.
It explores the ins and outs of these professional profiles and how they influence both the steps prior to a signing and the development of an artistic career: How do you train the nose of a talent scout? How do you analyze the information provided by streaming platforms and Management Entities? What type of composer is most profitable? How do you know if an artist will succeed both in streaming and live?
In addition, we will delve into the different ways in which an author or company can do business with a publisher, the weight of the superfan phenomenon when it comes to generating income, how advances in the music industry work, and the importance of songwriting camps.
Learn how to turn an intuition into real success.