The meeting was inaugurated this morning by Idoia Mendia, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Employment of the Basque Government, Gonzalo Olabarria, Councilman of Culture of the City of Bilbao, and Ruben Irisarri, Director of BIME.
The week begins with an intense program of talks, workshops, masterclasses, concerts and DJ sets, which will last until Saturday 28th, and will bring together a large number of companies, institutions, artists and industry professionals from around the world.
After ten editions in Bilbao and a second successful edition in Bogota, BIME opens its doors again, in a clear commitment to the creation of a space where to unite all professionals working for culture, and specifically music, with the aim of co-creating the future of cultural and creative industries, and build bridges between Europe and America. The meeting, which has already positioned itself as an unmissable event on the international cultural and economic agenda, was inaugurated today, Wednesday, October 25, at the Euskalduna Palace by Idoia Mendia, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Employment of the Basque Government; Gonzalo Olabarria, Councilman of Culture of the City of Bilbao; and Rubén Irisarri, Director of BIME.
Idoia Mendia, second vice-chancellor of the Basque Governmenthas highlighted the value of BIME as an economic and social opportunity for the region, declaring that “Culture is a first division economic engine, so we appreciate this type of events, which unite and strengthen. BIME is the best showcase of the modern Euskadi we are building”.
For his part, the Councilor for Culture of the City of Bilbao, Gonzalo Olabarria, said that “Bilbao is a city of culture 360 days of the year.
We want to continue working to make our city a reference in culture and congresses, something that would not be possible without BIME”.
From the Organization, Rubén Irisarri, director of BIME, offered words of welcome and thanks to all the professionals who were already gathered at the Euskalduna Palace, and reminded that: “cultural and creative industries play a fundamental role in building a better society. For this reason, BIME is a meeting conceived as a space of union, where everyone can create the future of the music industry, involving all the agents of the sector, and leaving no one behind”.

Thus begin the 4 intense days of BIME, with a full program that will bring together artists, professionals, companies, applicants and institutions from around the world around the dialogue of the present and the future of the music industry.
The day began with the BIME PRO program aimed at the professional public, which will run until Friday, October 27 at the Euskalduna Palace. Among the day’s activities are the panel “.What does it matter and what the f*** does it matter? Four decades of punk rock told by two legends”, in which the artists Ana Curra and Jorge Ilegal have talked about their careers, their ideals and how they have adapted to all the changes in the industry; Music Equality Forum, with the panel “Parenting and family responsibility, how compatible are they with the music industry?” in which. Rosa Lagarrigue, CEO of RLM; Vega, artists and director of La Madriguera Records; Lorena Jimenez, CEO of La Trinchera Comunicación y Eventos; and the artists Gela, will reflect on and share their experiences regarding work-life balance and motherhood in the industry; the panel “The global success of Latin music”, where the keys to this phenomenon will be analyzed, with Pablo Gil, head of the Cultural section of El Mundo; María Mercedes MontejoPresident of Sony Music’s Andean region; Morgan McGrathLive Nation’s vice president of concert booking in Latin America; Olivia Lunadirector of Ruido Blanco FM; and the artist Lucius Feuillet; and “A conversation with Georg Häusler“, director of the Department of Culture of the European Commission, who will explain the keys of the European policies and programs for the promotion of the cultural and creative industries.

In addition, within the framework of BIME, The Equity Awards will take place at 18:30, by the hand of Amazon MusicThe event, which recognizes female and LGTBIQ+ talent by awarding prizes to people who stand out for their career and future projection as well as their social commitment, will include the artist Samantha Hudsonand the already known FEST AWARDSThis year they celebrate their 10th anniversary, where the work and creativity of the professionals responsible for the development of the Music Festivals held in Spain are awarded.
The BIME LIVE program will start today from 19:45h in the main venues of Bilbao, with showcases and DJ sets with free access, which will last until midnight. A unique opportunity, open to all citizens, to get to know first hand the emerging talents that will sound in the coming months.
All the information about BIME LIVE HERE