Devin Landau
TBA Agency, Founding Partner / Agent
Devin Landau is one if the founding partners and agents at TBA Agency “To Be Announced” based in Los Angeles, CA and represents a diverse roster of artists in the Latin and general market space. He has moderated and participated in panels at SXSW Austin & SXSW Sydney, M pour Montreal, Frecuencias Santiago, Hermoso Ruido Bogota, SIMS in Medellín, By:larm Oslo, BIME Pro Bogota, MICA Buenos Aires, ILMC London, LAMC NYC, Oslo World Festival and BIME Pro Bilbao. He has also been featured in the LA Times, Billboard/Billboard Latin, Pollstar, as well as included in Billboard’s 2019 and 2024 Latin Power Player List and Billboard’s 2021, 2022 and 2023 International Power Player List.
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